Crystal Shan

Mental Health Clinician/Therapist
  • Master of Health (Victoria University of Wellington)
  • Registered Nurse with Nursing Council New Zealand
  • Practising mental health clinician ( Expert level - professional development accreditation) for Health New Zealand Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley district.
  • Certified Clinical Supervisor and New Zealand Health system auditor
  • Over 13 years of experience serving New Zealand mental health services ranging from community services to hospital specialist services including mental health inpatient units for youth and adults, community mental health teams, regional forensic and intellectual disability services, regional needs assessment and service coordination services, NGOs.
  • Service: Initial /ongoing psychosocial/mental health assessments for a range of mental health concerns; Home visits; Parenting assessments & interventions ( working with children directly or liaising with parents); Talking therapies, ACT and motivational interviewing, trauma-informed interventions; Formulating clinical reports for schools, agencies.
  • Language spoken: fluent in English and Mandarin
  • Age group: 5 and above
  • Fees listed below:
     1) Talking Therapy: $161 GST inclusive/hour
     2) Psychological assessment/Diagnosis/Report: $310.5 GST inclusive/hour
  • Service locations: Telehealth (across New Zealand)



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